You Can Out-Train a Good Nutrition Plan: Why You Aren’t Losing Fat When it comes to physique goals, everybody loves to remind each other that “It’s 90% diet and 10% training”, or something similar. While sound nutrition is absolutely crucial…
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Send my FREE Cheat SheetCrossfit: The Dark Cloud With a Silver Lining I am many things in the exercise world: a former group fitness instructor, Figure competitor, powerlifting dilettante, personal trainer, Olympic lifting newbie, nutrition coach, healthy lifestyle writer, and a die-hard, long-time…
I Bend so I Don’t Break: my yoga “Ah-ha!” moment and tips for getting started with your own practice. I bend over backwards on the reg. No, literally, I bend over backwards daily. I’ve been practicing and teaching yoga for…
The Barbell Complex: a masochistic – yet effective – way to burn bodyfat and improve your conditioning Have you ever walked into the gym and wondered what you could possibly do in under 25 minutes that would allow you…
Five Unconventional Changes You Can Make for Fat Loss We have spoke ad nauseum about different nutrition tactics for fat loss, but oftentimes it can be trickier than simply adjusting macronutrients and training. I’m hitting you from a different…