inspiration nutrition training

Periods…and I ain’t talkin’ punctuation.


Pow! Right in the kisser with it. No beating around the bush here. Friends, we are going to talk about our periods. We can talk about this, right? Right. Wait! Gentlemen – don’t go! I’d like to encourage male trainers to read this in hopes of further understanding what some of their female clients may go through so that you can adjust their program accordingly if and when need be.

First, the disclaimer: Yes, I took my nursing pre-reqs in college, however, contrary to what 2009’s Halloween costume may have led you to believe, I am not a medical professional. What I will be discussing here is based off of my own experience, research, and deduction from my doctor(s). Please seek your own medical advice before trying anything I mention, including taking supplements or medication, as I will not be held responsible. Additionally, if your PMS is completely out of control, it’s probably best that you discuss it with your doctor, as it could mean something more serious is going on.

PMS can be a hell of a problem to deal with. I have gotten quite a few emails from women that have numerous concerns about how their period is affecting their training and nutrition each month. Those emails, combined with some of my online clients issues and my own monthly woes, has prompted me to write about this taboo subject because I know that there are other women who are dealing with these same problems.

Instead of blathering on lets get right down to it in a crispy clean ‘problem and solution’ format with the most common complaints that I hear about…

The problem: Bloating
My absolute least favorite part, bar none. Nothing like getting up in the morning and pulling on your favorite Citizen skinnies only to realize that they won’t button up, no matter what kind of crazy squat maneuver or erratic dance-like move you do. (You know this jean shimmy, ladies. Don’t act like you don’t!)
Solution: Increase your water intake a bit, avoid excess sodium, and consider taking some dandelion root, which is a natural diuretic. So that huge tower of extra-salty nachos that you are thinking of gobbling down? Probably best to save that for another day unless you really want to wear sweatpants for the next 4 days.

The problem: Constipation
This is really quite a sexy post, isn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for many women to experience constipation and digestive problems.
Solution: Supplement daily with a tablespoon Pysllium Husk powder in conjunction with drinking plenty of water. If you neglect to drink plenty of extra H2O while supplementing with fiber it could make the problem worse. Consider yourself warned.

The problem: Fatigue
Your period has you feeling wiped out but you are supposed to go train. What do you do?
Solution: You take the day off from training. Yep, I said it. Rather than attempting to be a hero and drag ourselves through a session in which we’re only able to give 50% effort, take a nice long walk or do some yoga instead. Some activity is proven to help with PMS symptoms, but if you’re simply too tired don’t feel bad about leaving the intense weight smashing for another day. If your period really kicks your butt, you may think about taking a small deload each month during that time. In addition, some extra vitamin B12 may help with energy levels.

The problem: Cravings!
Oh sweet hell, the cravings. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have eaten some a lot of stuff (more specifically, troughs of dark chocolate covered raisins) due to PMS cravings and then have been positively riddled with guilt. It throws my digestive system into a tailspin and I end up spending the next few days doing damage control. It’s simply not worth it. What we eat, regardless of what day of the month it is, still counts, and if we are working towards physique goals we need to be mindful of this.
Solution: When we must indulge, lets prepare a healthier treat. Something that will satisfy our craving but nothing that is crazy enough to derail our progress. Of course, we must keep in mind that this isn’t a free pass to eat until we explode. It should be just enough to take the edge off and kill our urge for an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s. 
Need healthy & easy recipe ideas? Check out my Recipe Index! I highly recommend the Grain-free Chewy Choco Chip Cookies or the Grain-free Banana Bread.

The problem: The Fuck-Its
Never does a case of the F*ck-Its hit us as hard as it does during our period. In not-breaking news: It’s not uncommon to become extremely emotional (and slightly irrational) during this time. So when our measurements and the scale creep up a bit right before and during our period, it could lead us to believe that everything we’ve been doing with our diet and exercise is a total waste.

Emotional + measurements going up = cataclysmic meltdown. 

Before you know it, we say, “F*ck it, I feel fat anyways!”, bag our entire nutrition program, and dive headfirst into a cheesecake.
Solution: Stay away from the scale and refrain from taking measurements, whether it be girth measurements or skinfolds, during this time. The results will not be accurate and will likely just piss you off.

The problem: Sleep problems
We’re exhausted, pissed, and hungry, and to top it all off we can’t sleep, which leaves us more tired and even hungrier for tasty chocolatey morsels.
The solution: Magnesium. A little magnesium before bed will help you sleep, ease your PMS symptoms, and help you recover from your training. Triple whammy!

Other things that may help you:
– ease up on the caffeine
– Supplement with Evening Primrose Oil and/or Chasteberry
– meditation

PMS can be an absolute bear for some women – I feel you sister, and can relate 100%! Doing some of the things I listed above should bring you a little bit of relief, both physically and mentally.

What did I leave out? 
How to you stay on track with your nutrition when you’re hit with monthly cravings?
Leave me a comment below and lets chat!

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  • Reply
    Emily Hohnke
    August 16, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Just a note on the magnesium thing – my magnesium supplement has a b complex in it as well – which when I take at night affects my sleep (a naturopath advised it is the b vitamins apparently). To be honest I don't know much more about this and I don't know how common it is to have b vitamins with magnesium – but perhaps something to consider when choosing a magnesium supplement.

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 9:39 am

    haha amazing little comic at the end!! I find that as soon as my period actually starts, i am more able to control the cravings. but 3-4 days before…oh sweet momma, i am pouring chocolate syrup from the bottle with the fridge door open at 10pm. yes, classy. I try to increase my water intake and attempt to fill myself with veggies or something healthy for satiety, and hope that it will help the desire to binge dial down a bit. i DEF do not get near a scale during this time haha

  • Reply
    Joy Southlpawfighter1
    August 16, 2012 at 9:39 am

    This was great! Some of my best fights in MMA and worst fights with my guy were during this time., right before when Estrogen peaks. Afterwards, I have found , if you are eating for energy/clean/sugar free 98% of the time, with a little more protein a few days before, your anxiety, fatigue, and "heavy legs" are much less severe . Try also Inositol/Choline ( vitamin B8 for stress) before bedtime all month long and topical Magnesium/Zinc Oil sprayed on the skin-Mike Mahler has an excellent product- it really helps, and not just for PMS.

  • Reply
    Amber Gregorio
    August 16, 2012 at 9:39 am

    AH thank you for this post!!

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 9:40 am

    I just wish I'd get mine back. 🙁

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 9:49 am

    This is an awesome, awesome post. I'm one of only a handful of women doing any serious training at my local strength and conditioning gym and I feel like such a slacker when I miss a session for this reason. I also cringe at how obvious it is when you're training religiously, 3 big days a week for three weeks in a row, then BAM – you're a no show. Luckily for them, the guys usually know better than to say anything haha. If its really bad, I'll generally deload and just focus on my technique with the bar and some extra mobility work. If its worse than that, well… despite my usual grain and dairy free diet, there are still some problems in life that only pizza and 'fat' pants will fix 😉
    Thanks Jen.

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 9:59 am

    Thank you for this post. Going through this right now. Feeling guilty over the chocolate I ate and my less than stellar workouts this week. It's good to know that I'm not alone. I needed this as a kick in the butt. Just because nature has dealt this hand doesn't mean I need to play it. Thanks for the tips!

  • Reply
    Joy Southpawfighter1
    August 16, 2012 at 9:59 am

    Emily- B Complex can be an energizer- great during the day. You would not want this at the end of the day. Vit. B8 by itself serves to soothe and calm. The topical Magnesium gets into your system faster as opposed to the oral form- the research is also there for eomen's issues such as none density, etc. I was actually hospitalized for kidney stones in my 20's due to oral Cal/ Mag supp,events, and didn't take over the recommended dose. I'm not alone in this situation.

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    loved that last line. sometimes a slice of pizza & stretchy pants can cure what ails you 🙂

  • Reply
    August 16, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    Thanks – just went through the "I'm so tired I think I should go to the doctor because something MUST be wrong with me" blues – that EVERY month, for 2-3 days I experience! And the "I know I just ate a full meal and my stomach hurts but I need to eat something else" syndrome – that, once again, I experience every month! Funny I can't seem to accept them and every time I think I am going crazy!!! Will really try to implement some of your suggestions! Exercise really helps my angry and moody PMS issues, but the fatigue is worse with it!! Thanks again! Michele

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Oh Dinah. I wish that for you, too! Your comment is a good reminder that while we may complain about our period, we should be grateful for it.

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:21 pm

    My pleasure Amber! Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    Hi Joy!
    Your comment about your best fights in MMA and worst fights with your man made me laugh. Isn't that the truth?!
    Interesting about increasing protein, and the use of Inositol/Choline. I'll have to look into that – thank you!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    It sounds like my body operates like yours does Dani. During my period I am fine, but the week leading up to it – YIKES. The chocolate syrup sounds like something I would do, too! Lol!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:30 pm

    Hi Emily! Joy is right- the B complex will give you energy as you've probably noticed and is definitely something others should be aware of when picking out their magnesium supplement. Thanks for pointing that out!

    And Joy – that is interested about the cal/mag supplements causing kidney stones! I've never heard of that happening. Absolutely something to keep in mind.

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    hahaha, I also loved "there are still some problems in life that only pizza and 'fat' pants will fix."

    I think it's a perfect time to focus on some technique work, something that we may not otherwise take the time to do.

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    Hi April!
    Oh no, you are most certainly not alone. Many of us deal with the same issues. Hopefully all of us being able to chat about it will give us ideas to cope and prevail! 🙂

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 16, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    Hey Michele,
    Ugh, the fatigue is one of the worst parts for me. There have been days that I would swear I can NOT stand up off the couch, even if the house was on fire. The best we can do is focus on some extra R&R. I like to use this time as a free pass for me to get caught up on some books I've been reading and watch reruns of Sex & The City 😉

  • Reply
    August 17, 2012 at 6:49 am

    Great post! Thanks for shedding light on some of the very real issues women face during that time. I am in camp with Dinah and am trying to figure out why mine has been absent for over three years.
    Another suggestion for sleep…I've used melatonin in the past.
    Happy training ladies!

  • Reply
    August 17, 2012 at 6:49 am

    god, me too. I just came out of an office where the doctor said my lack of hormones was probably way early menopause because I'm too fat for amenorrhea. I think I'm too fat because my hormones are off becase of amenorrhea. Obly an FSH and LH test will tell…which means MORE blood tests.


  • Reply
    August 17, 2012 at 7:32 am

    Great post! I have always had the issue of cravings and fatigue the week before my period. As a physique athlete, I have a set eating and training schedule so giving in to my cravings (or shall we say finding and demolishing as much chocolate and other sweets and carbs as I could) and missing workouts are not the best solutions while I'm preparing for a show. My coach (personal trainer and RD) have me some advice that has rid me of cravings and kept up my energy levels during that time: eat just a little bit more that week and incorporate more "sweet" veggies throughout the day, such as carrots, corn, etc since your metabolism us a bit higher and your body needs more calories as it prepares for what's going to happen that next week. I literally have a reminder in my google calendar that tells me to eat for my m cycle the week before is supposed to arrive and it has been working out to a T. Would def recommend going this a try if you're in the same situation as I am!

  • Reply
    August 17, 2012 at 8:54 am

    Awesome post!! It's the week before for me right now and all I want is Chocolate!!! I also have the F*** it's!! It's always the week before. I feel fat and gross and just like everything I did the previous weeks was for for nothing. Plus, I'm supposed to measure and take pics this weekend for my trainer. Think maybe I can convince her to let me go another week?

    Thanks for posting this. I now feel like I'm not the only one!!

  • Reply
    August 17, 2012 at 11:19 am

    Jen- Awesome post! It's so nice to know that I'm not alone! I too suffer from insatiable chocolate cravings, fatigue, crazy hunger, and severe cramping the week before my cycle. Can you comment on the link between milk/dairy and PMS symptoms? I've experimented with avoiding dairy/soy and alcohol (only the week before my cycle) and my PMS symptoms have been greatly reduced.

  • Reply
    Emily Hohnke
    August 18, 2012 at 8:10 am

    I should add- thanks for the post! It's nice to see someone actually advocating giving yourself a rest during that time of the month. It always feels like we have to go-go-go rather than stopping and listening to what our bodies are telling us.

  • Reply
    August 18, 2012 at 7:30 pm

    Thank you so much for this post! It was informative and made me laugh several times:)

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 19, 2012 at 9:44 am

    Hi Amber,
    My pleasure! So glad that you enjoyed it. I'm definitely no expert but have you had your hormones tested to try to get to the bottom of things?

    Good suggestion on melatonin! I don't recommend using it long term but once in awhile it is MONEY!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 19, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Hey Jenn!
    That is a great suggestion! A little boost in calories the week before sounds like a great idea and I'm going to give this a try myself!
    Thank you for the wonderful input and good luck at your next show!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 19, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Oh girl. You are absolutely not alone in this and I can relate to what you said 100%!
    My coach always encourages me to forgo the measurements when I'm premenstrual because they are actually not accurate. I'd recommend chatting with your trainer and bumping it back a week 🙂

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 19, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Thanks Michelle!
    Hmmm. I only consume dairy about once a month so I've never been aware of any possible correlation. If you suspect that dairy may aggravate your symptoms then you are doing the right thing by taking it out and seeing how your body reacts.
    If you are consuming conventional dairy that contains hormones and antibiotics, I wouldn't be surprised if it exacerbates your PMS, seeing as how it's all based on hormones. I'm not certain on that, but in theory it sure makes sense!

  • Reply
    Jen Comas Keck
    August 19, 2012 at 9:58 am

    Thanks Tiffany! 🙂

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