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Dear diary fat loss inspiration

I’m not doing my best.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been working with a nutrition coach, none other than the amazing Carter Schoffer of Body Transformation/Precision Nutrition. In the report that I send to him weekly, one of the questions he asks says something like,…

fat loss inspiration

Love, without the handles: Part II

If you missed the first part of this series, you can get caught up by reading it HERE.  Love, without the handles: Part II Years ago I was in a relationship with a trainer. While we both worked out…

Dear diary inspiration

Lessons I learned in 2011

As each year winds down I always look back in amazement.There are always the things that happen each year that shock me; like my moving from my beloved bright-lights-big-city-life to the sticks, the confusing public acceptance of Snuggies or…

Dear diary inspiration

Observations and opinions

The following is a list that was written by someone I consider a mentor, friend, and a role model. He wrote this for his friend that had came to him for advice. He is a caring family man, a…

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